
Why I Quit All the Things & Why You Should, Too
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Why I Quit All the Things & Why You Should, Too

Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, I had no idea how much it would actually require of me. I knew that the first year of my son’s life would mean venturing into completely uncharted territory, led by a volatile, new human being…and an epic adventure it was! When friends asked me what I would do once…

Not Everyone Will Like You & That’s OK
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Not Everyone Will Like You & That’s OK

I used to share opinions online in a very unfiltered way. Honesty has always been incredibly important to me, otherwise, we’re just wasting precious time. In my effort to tell it like it was, I came off as self-righteous and naïve. I realized I had to get better at expressing myself in a way that…

What Salt Lamps Can & Can’t Do

What Salt Lamps Can & Can’t Do

I’m a spiritual, manifesting, tree-hugging hippie, but I’m also a rational person that values evidence. While I do believe in some things that can’t be proven conclusively by science, the majority of the choices I make are backed by results-driven data (if only by a very real placebo effect). Salt lamps have become mainstream in…