
Hi, My Name is Chel, and I Cry in Spin Class
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Hi, My Name is Chel, and I Cry in Spin Class

After years of avoiding spinning and any other overpriced, trendy fitness classes that popped up, an opportunity arose for me to give it a try. It was somewhat of a team-building exercise for Detroit Moms Blog contributors and was on the house, so I had nothing to lose. It’s pretty well-documented that I’m no athlete,…

Save vs. Save: What’s Really Worth It When Wedding Planning

Save vs. Save: What’s Really Worth It When Wedding Planning

My Save vs. Save article series distinguishes saving in terms of spending less from saving in terms of setting money aside and investing. This week, a sample of women joined me to share what’s really worth it when it comes to wedding planning. If you’re in the throes of wedding planning, one of the first…

That Time I Stuck My Hand into a Semi-Famous Person’s Toilet

That Time I Stuck My Hand into a Semi-Famous Person’s Toilet

I’m going to lead with an ugly truth, but the most important part of this story: I have IBS. (That’s the super glam Irritable Bowel Syndrome for those of you who don’t know, which affects up to 45 million people in the U.S. alone, most of whom are women.) When you live with this issue,…

Making Peace with Money after a Lifetime in Survival Mode
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Making Peace with Money after a Lifetime in Survival Mode

I’ve had a complicated relationship with money for my entire life. I don’t come from any to begin with, and I don’t mean this in a sort of we-weren’t-rich way; I mean it in a food-stamps-and-repossessed-cars way. I was extremely fortunate to have been sent to a private, Catholic school for nine years by my grandparents,…