
Finding Meaning When It All Feels Meaningless

Is my life meaningless? How am I supposed to make meaning of my life when I haven’t accomplished my big dreams?

In the 5 Tasks of the Living to Prepare for a Peaceful Dying (from Facing Death and Finding Hope by Christine Longacker) we are charged with Step 1: Making Meaning. This isn’t as daunting of a task as you might think, though!

The question is: What was I born to do? But that question can be terrifying when we feel like we haven’t achieved enough. I thought I would be a famous actress and since I’m not, am I an utter failure? You were born to do whatever you have actually done so far.

You don’t have to know exactly what you were put on this planet to do. Find meaning in the roles you have played, the gifts you have shared, and the talents you possess, without focusing on failures, weaknesses, and deficiencies. Those things don’t matter because they don’t exist, right? So what does exist? That’s where you find meaning.

If you need a jumpstart, grab a journal, your favorite pen (you know you have a favorite) and use these life review questions. This also counts as a valuable legacy project for loved ones to read when you’re gone.

  • What am I most proud of (both accomplishments and qualities about myself)?
  • What are my best attributes?
  • What expressions do I use often?
  • What major decisions have impacted my life?
  • How would I like to be remembered?
  • What have been my favorite smells, tastes, textures, experiences (parts of being alive)?
  • What have been my most meaningful relationships?
  • What words do I have for the people I leave behind?
  • List out salient lessons and experiences from each decade of your life.
  • What have been my favorite hobbies throughout my life?
  • How do I use my free time?
  • How have I dealt with challenges faced in my life?
  • In what form would I like my legacy to live on (photos, video, written words, donations, my children, etc.)?
  • What have been my favorite places, times, songs, memories and experiences?
  • What have been the hardest lessons I have learned?
  • What would I say to my younger self?

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